Sadie’s Doggie Nervous Breakdown

posted on August 8, 2014 by Catherine Mann

People ask how I ended up with so many dogs, especially since for many years we were a one dog/one cat household. We had our beagle named Trooper (adopted from a shelter in Louisiana) and a tabby cat Cooper (adopted from a shelter in Ohio. Once Trooper was around 13, we adopted a shelter pup…

Dog Days of Writing

posted on August 7, 2014 by Catherine Mann

I never thought I’d be the whacky dog lady. The eccentric writer, sure. But the dog lady? Nah. Not me. I’m a clean freak. My pantry’s packed with rows of Clorox wipes and I’m the first the hit the sale bins of anti-bacterial hand Bath and Body Works. I kid you not, this one time…

Join Catherine Mann’s Street Team

posted on July 7, 2014 by Catherine Mann

Hey there! Are you interested in becoming a member of the Catherine Mann Street Team? Curious about just what the heck a street team is? If so, here’s the scoop! The street team term came from rock group fans who spread the word to help their favorite groups make bestseller charts. Over time, other types…